Happy February, Cougar Families! This is a fun month for PTC. We have an upcoming meeting on February 15th. We apologize for the technical difficulties we had during our January Zoom meeting, but we think we have it remedied and will be excited to see everyone this month.
During the week of February 21-25th we will be coordinating a school-wide Book Drive. This means it’s time to clean out those bookshelves! We will take any children books you’re ready to give away. We’ll have boxes set up outside (weather permitting) in the quad area for your child to drop them off. Reminder fliers will be coming home soon!
On Dr. Seuss’ birthday as well as Read Across America Day, March 2nd, we are going to take your books from the book drive and have a book exchange. Classes will be invited, one at a time, to come “shop” for new books. In the end, any books leftover will be offered to the school library, teachers and then taken to goodwill.
If you are interested in being a parent volunteer for this activity we could use your help! More specifically we need help sorting books on Monday, February 28th and then again on March 2nd to help out with the shoppers! Click this link for a sign up sheet through Google Sheets.
A huge thank you and shout out to Therese Marrero, Heather Slonski, Stephanie Ferreria, Erin Groo, Christin Willard and Alexandra Phillips for putting on Cougar Coffee each Friday. They do such an amazing job week after week making kids smile with hot cocoa and donuts. Parents, don’t forget they also sell coffee! We are so grateful for their help.
We look forward to seeing you soon, Clear Creek PTC
The PTC is a Parent Teacher Club and is open to everyone. For any questions and or comments, etc., you can send an email directly to PTC@clearcreekschool.org. You may also join our facebook page at www.facebook.com/clearcreekschoolPTC/
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