February 2025
2/3-2/11 Reproductive Health 5-8th grade
2/7 All School Rally
2/10-2/13 Kindness Spirit Week
2/14-2/17 No School President’s Day Weekend
2/19 PTC Meeting at 3pm- ALL are welcome!
2/28 End of 2nd Trimester
3/5 Spaghetti Dinner @ 5:30
3/12 and 3/13 Kinder Round Up- please contact the office ASAP if you have a TK or Kinder student you hope to enroll for the upcoming school year!
Register for CodeRED Emergency Alerts
CalFresh English
Better Food For Better Living
Nevada County Superintendents of Schools – SELPA Information
Military Child Education Newsletter
Nevada County Suicide Prevention Resource Links:
Important Video
Tobacco, Vaping and Marijuana: A Parent’s Guide to a New Epidemic
NCSOS Homeless Education Newsletter
for your athlete.
Principal’s News

February 2025
Hello all you Wonderful Cougar Families,
This past month I met with every 4th-8th grade student to review their State Test (CAASPP) scores from last year. The purpose of our meeting was to set goals for this year’s test and make plans on how to achieve this. Clear Creek’s test scores have fallen over the past few years and the board, staff and I have been working on ways to bring our scores back up. For example, last year we implemented our Breakfast Club, a school wide math intervention program to help increase student achievement.
One of the interesting things to come from my student meetings was just how many of them reported “clicking the box” during testing. Many students reported they did not even try during testing. Please help communicate with your child the importance of doing their best to benefit our entire Clear Creek community. While yes, this test is only one of many assessments we use to monitor student progress, it is the only assessment the state of California uses to evaluate our school.
I am confident if we work together to ensure each student does their very best on the State Test we will see a schoolwide increase in achievement.
Physical Education
Physical Education is a required class by California state curriculum. PE days are every Tuesday and Thursday. Please make sure your students come prepared with appropriate clothing and footwear to participate each day in PE. Lack of appropriate footwear at PE has become a problem for many students. Students are welcome to leave PE shoes at school during the week if necessary. PE shoes should be athletic in nature, to include a closed toe and back. This is to ensure safety for all students.
If you are not currently active with our PTC I want to encourage you to come to the next meeting and get involved.
Our next meeting is on February 19th at 3:00 PM and everyone is invited.
Home – School Communication
Good communication between the school and home is very important to us and we are working to provide numerous ways for this good communication to take place. Please call or email the school office by 9am when your child will be absent and cannot attend school.
Don’t forget President’s Day weekend is 2/14-2/17. I hope you enjoy a four day weekend with your family.
Here is to a fabulous February!
-Duane Triplett
Clear Creek School